Saturday, December 19, 2009

A chapter of a series, Excites me... oh so much!

A couple of minutes a go i posted what was going to do on Infinite Galore.

I'd like to start by first discussing a new chapter of the manga, Pandora Hearts (author: Jun Mochizuki).

About a year a go I discovered Pandora Hearts and instantly grew in love with the series. The story, the characters, everything was enjoyable! But it was extremely sad that it had only 9 chapters out with only one translator (thanks to the now deceased Broccoli Books...or at least i think their gone). and Now one year later, the amazing series has a recently finished anime, 43 chapters translated, and one volume out in American stores (love you Yen press!). I've been obsessing over the series so much that every month's 18th i partied like crazy all because i know "A NEW CHAPTER CAME OUT IN JAPAN!"

Yesterday, the 18th, Chapter 44 came out in Japan's G fantasy!

Usually the people who can't understand Japanese (like me) have to wait a month or months for a translated version of a chapter, but as i found out earlier today it had been translated all ready!


I felt like the series is starting something new and fresh and that all it is going to do is become more exciting!!

~Spoilers beyond this this point~

All right! So in this chapter we had 3 extremely exciting parts
#2 We found out that Jack did indeed die from Glen (awww Jack)
and #3 Their is a new character who's like the Queen of cards "Off with your head!" head cutter!!....yeah that's right, She/he cuts of heads. (DON'T you dare touch a hair on oz, alice, gil, break, sharon, elliot, reo, phillipe, echo, oscar, ada, liam, and rufus! .....wait am i missing anyone else? ah yes, EVEN vincent! But you can have Oz's Father XD)

Favorite Pictures:

It's Decided!

Sooooooooo, I looked around! Their are many many amazing blogs out there! Much of them are...well, what I'd like to do! (but of course I shall not copy!) Anyway, I decided to do all the ideas (#'s 1-4)
This is gonna be fun!

The Start of Infinite Galore!

Well, well. Aren't I newbie!

Really have no idea what I'm doing with this blog, because I didn't really intend to make one. Ahhhhh well, here we go!

So far what I've been doing is looking at other blogs to see what I can do on this special place!

Here are some of them that I wouldn't mind doing:
#1 Discuss the anime/manga/games that I watch.
#2 Review the anime/manga/games.
#3 Just do Random stuff...randomly
#4 Discuss Jpop-Jrock and of course English music.

As you can see i do intend to use this place to discuss the things I like.

And that's it! The end of my first post on Infinite Galore! (hopefully it won't be the last! ;D)