Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Start of Infinite Galore!

Well, well. Aren't I newbie!

Really have no idea what I'm doing with this blog, because I didn't really intend to make one. Ahhhhh well, here we go!

So far what I've been doing is looking at other blogs to see what I can do on this special place!

Here are some of them that I wouldn't mind doing:
#1 Discuss the anime/manga/games that I watch.
#2 Review the anime/manga/games.
#3 Just do Random stuff...randomly
#4 Discuss Jpop-Jrock and of course English music.

As you can see i do intend to use this place to discuss the things I like.

And that's it! The end of my first post on Infinite Galore! (hopefully it won't be the last! ;D)

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